Sunday, March 25, 2018

Basic Concepts of Chemical Engineering

Mole, Mass Percentage, Volume Percentage Concentration, Parts per Million(ppm), Molality, Molarity and Normality are the basic concepts of  Chemical Engineering. These basic concepts are very useful for further Chemical Engineering calculations. 

1. Mole : One mole of a substance is defined as the weight of the substance in grams equal to its
                formula weight.

Number of moles of substance

                   = Weight in gram / formula weight

                   = Number of molecules / 6.022 * 10^23
                    = Volume in L at STP / 22.4

2. Mass Percentage : It is defined as the amount of solute(g) present in 100g of the solution.

       Mass % of solute = (Mass of solute / Mass of solution)  * 100

3. Volume Percentage : It is defined as the volume of solute(ml) present in 100ml of solution.

       Volume % of solute = (Volume of solute / Volume of Solution) * 100

4. Concentration : It is defined as the amount of solute in gram present in 1L of the solution.

        Concentration = Mass of solute in gram  / Volume of solution in L

5. Parts per Million : When the solute is present in very small quantities , the concentration is                                                 expressed in ppm. It is defined as amount of solute in gram present in 10^6 g
                                   of the solution.

         ppm = ( Mass of solute /Mass of solution ) * 10^6

6.  Molality : It is defined as the number of moles of the solute present in 1Kg of the solvent.

             Molality = No. of moles of solute / Weight of solvent in kg

7.  Molarity : It is defined as the number of moles of the solute present in 1L of the solution.

            Molarity = No. of  moles of the solute / Volume of solution in L

8.  Normality : It is defined as the number of gram - equivalents of the solute present in 1L of                                      solution.

             Normality(N) = No. of gram equivalent of solute / Volume of Solution in L  

Pump And Classification Of Pump

What is Pump?          Pump is a very common device useful in all the industries. Pump is device that moves fluids (liquids, gases) or so...